Are you coming to Marktweg by train and bus?
If so, it will take you 1 minute by foot to reach the bus stop from the train station.
Here you can catch Arriva bus 115. This takes you to the bus stop on Marktweg in 17 minutes.

Are you coming by train and would you like to get to Marktweg by foot or bike?
This is a journey of 4.1 km. It will take you around 50 minutes by foot.

  1. Walk/cycle in a south-easterly direction on Trambrege, towards Stationstunnel.
  2. Take a right onto Trambaan.
  3. Turn left to stay on Trambaan.
  4. Turn right onto Herenwal.
  5. Follow the road to Compagnonssstraat.
  6. Follow the road to Van Dekemalaan.
  7. At the roundabout, take the first turn-off onto Koornbeursweg.
  8. Turn left onto Kempenaerssingel.
  9. Turn right onto Meester Halbe Binnertsstraat.
  10. Turn left onto Baronesse de Vos van Steenwijksingel.
  11. Go straight ahead at Rottumerweg 12. Turn left to stay on Rottumerweg.
  12. Take a slight turn to the right to stay on Rottumerweg.
  13. Turn right onto Burgemeester Falkenaweg.
  14. Turn left onto Amelandlaan.